Sabato 18 febbraio 2023 si è tenuto a Napoli il IX Ciclo Europe Cafè presso il Coworking Dialogue Place, in collaborazione con i Young European Ambassadors.
L'evento ha riunito 44 giovani locali tra i 18 e i 30 anni interessati a discutere vari argomenti legati all'Europa e al suo futuro. L'evento ha fornito una piattaforma per scambiare idee, creare contatti e conoscere le differenze tra i giovani che vivono nell'UE e quelli provenienti dal partenariato orientale, come Armenia e Bielorussia.
L'iniziativa dei Young European Ambassadors (YEAs) è una rete di comunicazione non politica, volontaria e vivace che connette e costruisce ponti di amicizia tra i giovani di Armenia, Azerbaigian, Bielorussia, Georgia, Repubblica di Moldova, Ucraina, gli Stati membri dell'UE e il Regno Unito.
L'obiettivo della rete è di sensibilizzare sull'accordo di cooperazione tra l'UE e i paesi partner dell'Est, mostrare i risultati tangibili di questa cooperazione, contribuire al dialogo politico su vari argomenti, aumentare l'attivismo civico e lavorare insieme per un futuro migliore. Gli studenti organizzano anche attività locali per sensibilizzare sul lavoro dell'UE nei paesi partner dell'Est e sull'importanza di tale cooperazione in termini di prosperità economica, sicurezza e sviluppo nella regione. Per saperne di più:
Per questo motivo, YEAs in Italia hanno proposto un evento interattivo a Napoli, presso lo spazio coworking Dialogue Place in Via Sapienza 18, per mostrare i risultati tangibili di questa cooperazione e il ruolo dei giovani nella costruzione di società più prospere .
Concept dell'attività:
L'attività faceva parte del progetto "Europe Café", un progetto finanziato dal Corpo europeo di solidarietà volto a informare i giovani napoletani sulle opportunità offerte dall'Unione europea. L'attività organizzata dai YEAs si è svolta il 18 febbraio dalle 15:00 alle 19:00.
On Saturday 18th February 2023, the IX Cycle Europe Cafè Naples took place at the Coworking Dialogue Place, in collaboration with the Young European Ambassadors. This event brought together 42 young people aged 18-30 interested in discussing various topics related to Europe and its future. The event provided a platform for people to exchange ideas, network, and learn the difference between young people living in the EU and people coming from the eastern partnership, such as countries like Armenia and Belarus.
The Young European Ambassadors (YEAs) initiative is a non-political, voluntary, and vibrant communication network that connected and built bridges of friendship between young people from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, and the EU member states and the United Kingdom.
The network's objective is to raise awareness of EU cooperation with Eastern partner countries, show the tangible results of this cooperation, contribute to policy dialogue on various topics, help increase civic activism, and work together for a better future. Young students also organize local activities to raise awareness of the EU's work in Eastern partner countries and why such cooperation is important in terms of economic prosperity, security, and development in the region. To learn more:
For this reason, YEAs in Italy proposed an interactive event in Naples, at the Dialogue Place coworking space in Via Sapienza 18, to showcase the tangible results of this cooperation and the role of young people in building more prosperous societies.
Activity concept (past tense) The activity was part of the "Europe Café" project, a project funded by the European Solidarity
Corps aimed at informing young Neapolitans about the opportunities offered by the European Union. The activity organized by YEAs took place on February 18th from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
The activities were structured as follows:
Time | Activity name | Description | Moderator(s)
15:00 - 15:30 Ice-breaking & YEAs presentation Participants got to know each other informally. They were also informed about the Young European Ambassadors network and its impact on the EU and the region. Vittorio & Enrico
15:30 - 16:30 Europe and the EU Participants reflected on the term "Europe" and the European Union, on the cultural ties between countries, and on their expectations for the future of the Union.
Giulia 16:30 - 17:30 Eastern Partnership: How does it work Participants got to know the Eastern Partnership and its impact up to now, and reflected on the need for cooperation with partner countries and the current state of the region. Ileana
17:30 - 18:00 Cultural exchange Participants listened to young people from Armenia and Belarus who presented their culture and history.
Vlad & Mariam 18:00 - 20:00 Networking aperitif offered by Europe Café Italian partner games
Objectives The objectives of the activities were to: Allow YEAs in Italy to connect and brainstorm future activities;
Inform local young people about the EU's work in Eastern partner countries and its impact; Reflect on the future of the partnership; Reflect on the importance of voting in the 2024 elections; Allow participants to broaden their knowledge about two partner countries; Connect with local organizations; Allow young people to improve their skills and put acquired knowledge into practice.
YEAs involved Giulia Pani Ileana di Martino Vittorio Cascone Usevalad Lahun Mariam Hovannisyan Enrico Izzo (mentor) These meetings were organized to activate local young people aged 16-30 on the theme of citizenship and active participation: to encourage interest in participating in the planning of a project proposed by themselves. In particular, the group was encouraged to get involved in the preparation and presentation of a project that respected the guiding theme of our activities.
The cycle ended with an APERICENA at the end of the activities and a reflection group on the topics addressed.
The activities were held in English.
Danilo Liguori
Project Coordinator Europe Cafè